I've been an older Uber driver for over 8 years. I consider myself an excellent judge of people. Not batting a thousand but I'm up there. I plan on relating stories of my trips, based on the humanity I interact with daily. I'll also throw in Snarky quotes
Zeteo is a new media organization that seeks to answer the questions that really matter, while always striving for the truth. Founded by Mehdi Hasan, Zeteo is a movement for media accountability, unfiltered news and bold opinions.
From Michelle Obama to Oprah Winfrey to Rihanna to Beyoncé, when Black women are in charge, the world is a much better place. We need more Black women in charge.
One writer-slash-advocate’s many musings: personal reflections, creative writing snippets, updates on my journey to get published, and the occasional essay on equity, art, and social justice.
All about the ins and outs of healthy work environments, structural trust and how to co-create it in early-stage and purpose-led teams. (...With the occasional tangent into individual DEI topics.)
Writing about life, politics, and everything in between. Very stream of consciousness. My opinions are my own.
"I love to talk about nothing. It's the only thing I know anything about." - Oscar Wilde
Welcome to Dr. Mary Marshall’s Collection, a newsletter discussing the intersection of family history and American history, culture, and politics including general information on basic genealogy.
My maternal grandparents, born in the 1920's, dedicated their lives and careers to civil rights and social justice. This publication covers 534+ years of US history, including Black and women’s history, Pan-Africanism and personal family history.
My perspective is never given equal representation in the mainstream media. I believe character matters. I believe the experts. I believe in education. I believe women. Let me know if you have a story to tell.
Finance for people who don't have a degree in finance and aren't always sure where to get started. Information and healthy skepticism about what we're being sold.
Politics, Investigations, and Media in Los Angeles, California.
The biggest stories in Los Angeles other publications are afraid to touch. From political corruption to life on the streets, I go where others only parachute to get into the deep facts.
A newsletter focused on humanizing immigrants and telling the transgenerational immigrant story. Written by a second-generation American who grew up in a mixed-status household.
24sight News is the independent news site covering the second Trump Administration, America's exhausted middle, the economy and more - with clarity and neutrality. By veteran reporter and Mike Pence biographer Tom LoBianco and friends.
Welcome to Indie Media Today -
Original articles, livestream alerts & video clips for How Did We Miss That & Indie News Network, content from independent content creators, plus the podcast home of Friends of Indie Left. All links at indieleft.media
This is a newsletter that covers today's politics, economics, healthcare, and much more. We dispel the lies and misinformation prevalent in the mainstream media and, most importantly, provide solutions and courses of action.
A newsletter by Allison Wiltz, a writer, editor, and unapologetic Black scholar who writes about race and women, bridging the divide between history and culture.
An essential part of the human experience is evolving. We're the only species we know of that controls what we become next. Join me as I think about what it means to be human, and what should come next.