What saddens me more than anything, is know we will NEVER have elections again in my lifetime. People who say otherwise are delusional when we've heard trump say it himself. The GOP rethuglicans are digging their claws deep into our government and systems that they are destroying as we speak. My parents (rip) were a part of the Montgomery Civil Rights movement and I miss them, but I'm glad they are not here to see that their sacrifice was in vain. I hate to sound like a defeatist, but the ONLY way there could be change, is if everyone collectively stood up and was willing to sacrifice their comforts, boycotting and NOT spending extra money with ANY corporation that stands with trump and from what I see, that will never happen because people can't give up their starbucks, amazon, netflix subscriptions walmarts...etc. BTW, I'm only one person, but in memory of and as an extension of my parents activism, I actively boycott all of the companies I mentioned and more. I haven't watched or supported ANY NFL, basketball, athletes, american TV shows, movies, listened to or supported any american music artists, celebrities...for over 20 years. So it can be done, but I don't see people willing to do the work and make sacrifices for our democracy. I wish we had a collective backbone like the South Koreans did when they shut down their wannabe dictator in under 7 hours.

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I wish we had a collective backbone too.

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