Heck yeah, let's take care of those butholes! We only have one and it's over all for the best to follow the Mayo Clinic advice that Arturo shared in the article: it will make your entire life better, I can't say this enough (especially going more on the meatless side of things with more fibers than usual, not necessarily vegan all the way, start with meatless Sundays for example).
Heck yeah, let's take care of those butholes! We only have one and it's over all for the best to follow the Mayo Clinic advice that Arturo shared in the article: it will make your entire life better, I can't say this enough (especially going more on the meatless side of things with more fibers than usual, not necessarily vegan all the way, start with meatless Sundays for example).
Americans are squeamish about the most ridiculous things.
Thank you for sharing your experience...it will save lives.
I hope so. Thanks.
I can relate to 90% of this lived experience. Pay attention to your plumbing. From entry to exit.
Glad you got through the worst of it.
Thanks. Me too. It was bad.