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Don’t know where Euro Med sourced these numbers https://resumen-english.org/2024/01/nearly-90000-killed-wounded-or-missing-in-gaza-due-to-israeli-aggression/ but a number of sites have it like https://www.jordannews.jo/Section-20/Middle-East/90-000-Gazans-are-now-dead-wounded-or-missing-Euro-Med-Monitor-33488 all quoting Euro Med. I don’t doubt it. Ralph Nader has been saying the number will be much higher. I find the lower numbers quoted, which Biden disparages, to be permissive of more atrocities by Israel. With the LATimes, MSNBC, NYT etc censoring their coverage and CNN reporting from inside IDF, resumen etc provide a decent alternative to manufactured consent which you rightfully criticize here. Working the numbers back it means there are 20,000 children buried in the rubble, if only to point out the innocence paying for the settler colonial project’s asymmetric state violence purchased with our genocide tax.

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