"Conservative politicians have adopted the mentality of every white nationalist hate group seeking to create civil ethnic war in the United States. They are not interested in a diverse civilized society. They want to maintain white power over the country and are in no way willing to create space for anyone who isn’t a white Christian male."

Which is way all of us need to become activists at any cost. Destroy the fascist patriarchy.

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The fascist patriarchy will obliterate our system of self-governance, but the unrestrained armed anarchists will endanger us all.

The FBI is either unable or unwilling to intercede to stop the proliferation of these groups and we're edging closer to one or multiple McVeigh-like atrocities.

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Vigilantes at the border is the last thing anyone needed. It has led to murder in the past, it will continue to lead to murder. To say that it's a horrifying step to legalize this is a vast understatement.

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Totally agree. It's a major cause of concern and not enough people are aware of it. Scary times.

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