Not long ago it was common to hear someone declare themselves “fiscally conservative and socially liberal” as a way to generalize being center-right. In the current political environment, the new phrasing to disguise far-right conservative bias seems to be, “I’m pro-legal immigration, not illegal immigration.”

I used to call myself the first term, but then I started paying attention to the sub-text. And I will never, ever break bread with someone who identifies as Republican. The Democrats have problems, but until we have an equity based political system that does not favor existing power, I have to vote Democrat because I can't vote for evil people.

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As much as I don't like some Democrats, I'm the same way. I can't vote for a Republican.

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There are no decent Republicans left. Anyone who still votes for that party is either evil, astoundingly stupid, trapped in a bubble of cognitive dissonance, the victim of disinformation, or some combination thereof.

I don't care what the root causes are. I don't dialog with human waste.

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