The Subtlety of Post-Trump Trolls
Normalizing white nationalism and white supremacy are once again much more subtle than the Tucker Carlson's of the world.
If you follow my work, you know that I track extremists. My focus is typically centered around rhetoric and coded language (also known as dog whistles). I’ve studied the history of racism and xenophobia from the founding fathers until today. Throughout US history, ideas centered around assimilation to a white-centered society have not changed.
What racist white people in the United States fear is a trope used by Benjamin Franklin, the KKK, and modern-day white nationalists alike. They’ve always acted afraid of losing the US to non-white people. While people like Carlson, Nick Fuentes, and other white fearmongers preach using more extremist language, people still invested in normalizing white nationalism are going back to their more subtle ways of the Tea Party era; using libertarianism as a gateway.
I’m routinely targeted by members of hate groups and your regular run-of-the-mill troll. I’ve had bounties put on me and even have the distinguished pleasure of being listed on VDare (a hate group site) because of my work. But one thing I’ve noticed in my comment sections is the level of subtlety and attempts at respectability from people who are as condescending as ever.
In other words, they don’t know how to be respectful because they’ve spent the last seven years being the most hateful people they can be. Still, I prefer racists and xenophobes to tell me who they are from the very beginning. They’re much easier to deal with than those who try to be covert about their bigotry. This brings me to a recent commenter on Facebook.
In a post where I’m discussing not trusting Republicans turned Democrat allies like Steve Schmidt, this guy, clearly a Trump-voting Tejano like I’ve discussed many times, made the conversation about “brown people” leaving “brown countries” and crossing the border onto a “white” country. To which I laughed because he gave himself away very early.
“I have a serious question for you. Lets see if you can respond to my questions or are going to resort to name-calling like calling me a coconut for asking a legit question: I live in a 97% brown area on the Mexican border run by brown people. I see brown people fleeing 100% brown countries coming to a "white" America. You seem to want to turn America into a "brown" country. I wonder if you think that will make America better for every single American or just for you?”
I know what you’re thinking. So, here was my reply:
“This is one of the most presumptive comments I've seen in a while. But no, you don't have to worry about name-calling.
“First of all, Latin American countries aren't "brown" countries. They're actually quite diverse. While you may be seeing "brown" people where you are across the border from Reynosa, there are many different races and nationalities represented at the border.
“For example, Haitians make up the majority of asylum-seekers in McAllen and tens of thousands of Cubans have been apprehended each month as well (most of them have been white). Colombians, Cubans, and Haitians make up a huge portion of asylum seekers - that's pretty dammed diverse. And don't forget 10,000 Ukrainians.
“Okay, now that we're clear, allow me to answer you're rhetorical question.
“What I would like to see is the US not being involved in overthrowing governments and creating hostile environments in Latin America. But, as long as we do that to them, the least we can do is offer them amnesty when they need it. As far as making things better for me, that doesn't make any sense.
“I was born here.
“Also, there is no such thing as "white" America. Never was. This is a diverse country where every nationality is represented. "White" is a bs construct and that's not changing anytime soon.
“This "white replacement" nonsense is over the top hilarious. Browning of America? Please.
“It's already brown.”
Clearly, my intent was not just to shut him down, but get under his skin. We all know that whiteness is a construct as are the systems that support it. But it’s a construct that’s actually there and we have to deal with it. What white people failed to accomplish and never will, is forcing people to assimilate into what they perceive as “ideal” non-white people.
This brings me to Latino white nationalists. An oxymoron, you say? I mean, not really when you think about it. It might seem a little off when you see an Afro-Cuban perpetuating white nationalism but let’s not act like this is new. If history has taught us anything, it’s that you don’t have to be white to be a white nationalist (looking at you Clarence Thomas).
In an article on Medium discussing Latino white nationalists, this guy came at me like I’m new here - which is funny in its own right.
“I will not spend time defending the Fuentes' of the world, since I do not approve of their rhetoric or methods, though I find this sort of formulation of people of color as "White Nationalists" to be rather amusing, because it is so incorrect. Nationalism comes in many forms. What Tarrio (and, perhaps to some extent, Fuentes) are promoting is an aggressive form of traditional Nationalism, but not one based in 'racial' identity, so it is ridiculous to identify rabid Nationalists that are people of color as "White Nationalists". A lack of understanding of nationalism is what results in such absurd construction. A White Nationalist of the retrograde KKK or George Wallace variety are racial identitarians. A Black Nationalist is also a racial identitarian. A traditional Nationalist is nation-centric, not race-centric. Conflating these is a mistake and leads to a misunderstanding of different movements.”
Yes, the condescension was noted and returned:
“I was going to set aside your condescension and your misuse of the word "conflate," but I decided not to. Instead, I'm going to give it right back. So, allow me to explain it to you like you're 5.
“One does not have to be white to be a white nationalist. Your oversimplification of what any of the terms you use is telling. When Fuentes says, “I want a total Aryan victory for my people,” he's preaching white nationalism. When Enrique Tarrio associates with white supremacist groups saying things like "colonialism are the best thing to happen to the Western hemisphere," he's preaching white nationalism.
“Do you know what "inclusive" means to the KKK? I'm guessing not. You should look it up (seriously).
“No one here is "conflating" anything. Just facts, homie. This isn't my first rodeo and you aren't my first detractor. There have been thousands of white dudes like you over the last decade and y'all try to do the same thing: water down the conversation with insults, absurd claims, and a complete lack of knowledge as you try to sound smarter than the person pointing out how these things work (me).
“You're looking at race and nationalism purely from a pigmentation standpoint (i.e. racial identitarian) and that's your argument's biggest flaw. Welcome to the new world of hate and ethnonationalism.
“Have a wonderful day.”
I’ve said this often and I will continue to say it: if you come for me, I’m coming for you and making you look like a clown using simple truth. No name-calling is needed. If you haven’t realized why I’m known as an anti-racist antagonist, now you know. Tread lightly and carefully around here.